Should we vaccinate or not?
Personal decision. Global impact

Personal view – Should we vaccinate or not?

I have been hearing this question very often lately. With different flavors, from talks about an important issue for all of us to absurd discussions with all sorts of conspiracy theories.


I understand very well that there are personal choices. On the other hand, I think it is important to base our choices on facts and not on all kinds of information, unverified or without a scientific basis.


My choice is to get vaccinated. I trust that:

  • The testing of vaccines approved in the EU by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and in the US by the equivalent agency (FDA), although much accelerated both by infusion of funds and by special efforts of research teams, was rigorous;
  • The risk of developing side effects is at the same level as other vaccines (exists, but is low) but this must be put in balance with the much higher risks associated with COVID, both in terms of immediate and subsequent, long-term effects;
  • Achieving the right level of collective immunity (vaccination being the fastest way to achieve it) is the foundation of restarting the economy (which has already affected and will continue to affect more people than the coronavirus).


You have to make your own decision, one that belongs entirely to you. It’s all about responsibility, both individual and towards the community.


Be healthy!


Catalin Paunescu

CEO Star Storage

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