GDPR Compliance
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can be more than a check-box exercise when it comes to adhering to compliance. Implementing the systems and processes required by the regulation in the right way can help organizations define and manage the risk and reward associated with processing personal data, and drive greater business efficiency. In EU GDPR became enforceable law in the EU Member States on 24th of May 2018.
- An Enterprise Records Management System (retention management, file plan, controlled disposal and updates, advanced audit)
- An Enterprise Unified Archive (storing with security, classification, navigation, searching and retrieving, viewing, sharing)
- An end-to-end system for Hybrid Records Management – unified management for paper and electronic archive (24/7 without any staff intervention)
- Designed to work on top of Hitachi Content Platform in order to provide business processes and the best user experience for line of business users
- Identifies PII (Personally Identifiable Information) on employees, customers or citizens through OCR and metadata extraction;
- Intelligently assesses documents in the repository and determines if they require OCR; extract metadata values using OCR & regular expressions configured for each metadata;
- Advanced metadata management for efficient Data Discovery;
GDPR Compliance Dashboards; - Flexible and Advanced Security to Protect Content based on What Is It (metadata) and not on Where It Is Stored; Dynamic Security based on the value of the metadata;
- Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’) through Advanced Retention / Records Management.
We consider that GDPR is a journey – not just a solution, that’s why we are offering comprehensive enterprise information governance available anywhere, any time and on any device
- Comprehensive data discovery and management to ensure timely and efficient respond to any Data Subject Access Requests (DSAR);
- Intelligently assessment of documents in the repository and fast clarification if they require OCR;
- Automated end-to-end process that can run 24/7 without any staff intervention, emailing periodic notifications of processing statistics and error reporting to the IT Administrator;
- Advanced search functionalities, both advanced metadata based search (templates, subscriptions, search in search) and advanced full-text search;
- Dynamic Security based on the value of the metadata;
- Monitor & notify expired storage term for documents with PII/PD data;
- Encrypt PII/PD metadata in SEAL database & storage;
- Use HCP’s shredding feature & specify Shred setting for each object having PII/PD metadata attached to it;
- GDPR Compliance Dashboard: Display documents distribution by PII/PD type; Top Failed Compliance Policies; Top Non-Compliant Assets by Type; GDPR related activity (Consent Withdrawals, Access Requests, Erasure Requests, Parental Consent); GDPR related notifications; Compliance Trends;
- Share Business Content in a dynamic manner using Document Collections;
- Consent management through biometric signature (advanced signature) on an intelligible and clearly distinguishable consent document;
- Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’) through Advanced Retention / Records Management;
- Comprehensive GDPR solution not only for CCO, CDO, CSO and Legal Directors but for every single line of business user working with Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
Benefits for your business
Save money
Competitive pricing vs. traditional DMS/ECM platforms.
Increase Efficiency
Transform paper based processes into paperless.
One integrated solution
Archive anything, anytime without losing governance control over the content.
Free IT resources
Line of business users are able to use it without the need for specialized IT personnel.
Increase Compliance
Reduce company exposure and mitigate risks with a legal, regulatory and industry compliance electronic archive