What is SEAL for HR document management and automation?
The HR department depends on document-driven processes, usually on paper. Paper requires archiving cabinets, and, in time, the amount of paper stored quickly become unmaintainable. Plus, paper tied to bloated processes slows HR Managers down from doing important work that pushes a business forward. Automation and digitalization can help you to reduce the time it takes to complete your HR tasks without sacrificing quality of work.
- Growing volumes of unstructured content (paper and electronic records like tax, sick leave, medical insurance and pension contribution forms, employee contracts, resumes / CVs, e-mails, and other related administration documents);
- Duplicating and recreating existing content spiraling out of control;
- Time-consuming manual processes to copy, email, mail, and file HR documents;
- Unreliable document processes across different locations;
- Lack of reporting or audit capabilities for internal and external requests;
- Flexible Response to Changing Workforce. In the new mobile and connected world managing HR files means providing faster access to more information with stronger security;
- Contain cost while focusing on strategic initiatives like sourcing, developing and retaining talent.
Business implications:
- Slow, sometimes incomplete ability to access employee files;
- Higher labor costs;
- Missing HR files;
- Duplication of effort;
- Can’t verify document retention;
- Delays in processing paper work;
- Risk of fines for non-compliance;
- Time and additional cost for the team that must ensure legal compliance through manual processes;
- High storage and shipping costs;
- High costs for IT department that needs to manage multiple content repositories;
- Privacy and security concerns.
Value proposition
- Gain more time leveraging automation of HR time-consuming tasks. Recruiting, onboarding & offboarding, setting proper privacy controls in the unified employee folder, incident reporting for compliance with health and safety regulations, updating employees files with the latest certifications, performance management, tracking benefits and payroll, generating tax documents and forms and even self-service for employees has never been easier.
- Better productivity, lower costs and increased compliance. Cut the cost without compromising compliance (permanent audit trails) when working, managing and collaborating (document collections) on HR files distributed across various locations;
- Design on the fly new workflows or quickly start existing HR processes. Best-in-class workflows and metadata-based rules automation for unrivaled efficiency.
- Increased efficiency and value of the HR department with strategic planning instead of low value paper processing. Reduce paperwork and focus the attention on the strategic roles of the department such as recruitment, employee development, succession plans and more;
- Exceptional User Experience (non-IT users). Enable business users with no technical expertise to capture, share, and retain documents with a click of a mouse. Administrators can easily add new users and set up role-based security access.
- Fast implementation and integration with existing business system. Reduced time to production leveraging open standards to integrate with core systems and modern cloud technologies to scale together with your business;
What it looks like
- Streamlined recruiting process - Publish electronic forms (instead of paper-based forms) through the company portal or 3rd parties, automatically receive and store applications submitted through online forms in the repository and assign them to a recruiter for review;
- Increase the productivity, compliance and reduce the chances of data loss – Permanent access to the unified employee digital folder that will help the HR team to remove the manual entry errors and to quickly access and collaborate on the employee documents;
- Better transparency, efficiency and accountability – retain employee records according to government regulations;
- Clear audit trail - When HR creates new policies and procedures or updates the existing ones, SEAL simplifies their distribution providing at the same time a complete audit trail to comply with internal and external rules and legislation;
- Easy search and access to documents - Automating documents and forms helps ensure employees and contractors receive the required year-end forms, verifies taxes that are collected and remitted as required and provides a digital file, which is much easier to search in the event of an audit;
- Secured sharing with 3rd parties. Define specific set of information based on specific needs (document collections) with advanced sharing capabilities (inside and outside the organization) while keeping information governance & control (the content doesn’t leave the repository).
- Integration with in-house HR applications – SEAL for HR Document Management and Automation is able to easily integrate with HR applications for a complete view and collaboration over the employee file in a quick, simple and secure way.