Legal and Litigation Case Management
The solution enables the management of legal litigation-related files and documents, from the stage of conciliation or legal action all during the court appearances, up to their resolution.
Litigation registration - enables centralized management of documents related to each litigation using a number assigned by the court, the court handling a litigation, etc.
Data for litigation resolution registration - enables the updating of information on the date of resolution of a litigation, file, etc. in court; sends notifications 10 days before the set date for appeal;
Court resolutions registration - enables the management of all documents referring to the decisions of the courts and automatically sends notifications 10 days before the expiry of the term of recourse;
File life-cycle management - the application enables the viewing of files on the roll of the court, depending on the court date and trial stage; prioritizes the files referring to litigations depending on the current resolution stage;
Litigation information search - the application enables fast or advanced search, depending on the viewing rights preset for each user: the legal matter of the litigation, the grounds, the file number, the court of justice, the name of the practice, the value of the Litigation, etc;
Security - authentication of users is done based on the user name and the related password.
The management of access rights is performed by the solution administrator;
The value of litigation, the expenses incurred and the recovered amounts management - management of provisions, warranties, insurance measures and the quality of the parties involved in the file; enables building relations between files based on certain criteria selected by the user.