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Star Storage is launching version 1.5 of Documentum Connector application for Hitachi HCP

Star Storage, leader in the field of solutions and services for information protection and management announces the release of version 1.5 for Documentum Connector Application for Hitachi (HCP).  The application was launched as international premiere in October 2009, at the same time with the first product demonstrations realized in Spain, Switzerland and Czech Republic.


Documentum Connector for Hitachi HCP offers the transparent integration between the latest generation content archiving HCP platform from Hitachi and the EMC Documentum content management platform. The clients can benefit, therefore, of both platforms’ advantages, disposing of complete archiving functions, regardless the documents’ volume, as well as the greatest information access speed, also respecting the retention policies and the security requests.


“The permanent analysis of our customers’ suggestions is one of the main directions we take into account when guiding our products’ development, therefore, the version 1.5 of the Documentum Connector application for Hitachi (HCP) being a normal evolution towards this concern of ours. This new version offers a higher flexibility in the creation of configurations, using the multi-tennant functions of the HCP (Hitachi Content Platform) platform inside the same Documentum Content Server instance. Regarding the scenarios of using it as back-up or disaster recovery, the connector offers the new option to store in parallel the archived data. The application’s users can benefit of higher performances regarding data storage and, from the point of view of configuration, the administrators of Unix/Linux systems have now more options to adapt the product to specific work environments.” declared Rareş Vasilescu, Development Director, Information Management Business Solutions Division.


The applications that had already been installed on the EMC Documentum Platform are not affected by the installing of Documentum Connector for Hitachi (HCP), and the administration of the latter is simply realized through the interface available in Documentum. Moreover, even if the HDS and EMC platforms are being installed in different locations, the users can perform complete and simple information research, according to metadata or to content, directly in HCP. The connector was conceived, from the beginning, for the integration with the previous versions of Documentum, and its continuous development according to the clients’ suggestions insures the quality of the support and its functioning on a long term.
Documentum Connector for Hitachi HCP, developed by Star Storage received in 2009 the accreditation after taking part in the process Designed for EMC, a process conceived for helping ISVs (Independent Software Vendor), VSPs (Value Service Provider) and SIs (Service Integrator) to project and launch on the market success products, based on the EMC Documentum platform.
The certification “Designed for EMC Documentum”, once obtained, offers the customers the certitude that the products meet the highest standards of structural conformity with the Documentum practices and will offer a reliable integration, therefore presenting guarantees to the shared customers.  The connector also received the certification from Hitachi at the beginning of the year 2009.
About Star Storage


Star Storage is a Romanian company with 100% private capital, leader in the field of storage, archiving and information management (data and documents) solutions in Romania. With more than 10 years of experience on the Romanian market, Star Storage has developed its solutions and services portfolio on the principle of complete integration during the document life cycle. Through its 5 business units, the company offers output management outsourcing  services (document production ), input management outsourcing services (outsourced electronic archiving services and the outsourcing of document based processes), data center outsourcing  services (data / application protection and management services), infrastructure solutions and business solutions.


For more information regarding this press release, you can contact us by phone, at the mobile number  +4 0731 000 555 or by email, using the address consultant-business@star-storage.eu or you can visit our web pages: www.star-storage.ro;  www.star-vault.ro.

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