Ahead of time and business needs

Star Storage receives the Award for THE MOST ACTIVE CLOUD SERVICES PROVIDER IN 2014

Star Storage, Romanian top provider for storage, archiving and information management solutions, IT Outsourcing and Cloud services, is designated as a winner by the Romanian Association for Cloud Computing (RoCloud) for the second consecutive year at the 2014 RoCloud Awards for Leadership in Cloud Services, this year receiving THE MOST ACTIVE CLOUD SERVICES PROVIDER IN 2014 RoCloud Award for the highest number of launched cloud products.


Each year, the local market leaders of the cloud computing services are designated by the Romanian Association for Computing Cloud (RoCloud) based on the following criteria reviewed by a Committee for Excellence as a result of a monitoring that lasts the entire year:– Popularization of the cloud concept / services;
– Services /products portfolio, experience, innovation, partnerships;
– Recognition in the market.Also in 2013, Star Storage has received an award from the Romanian Association for Computing Cloud (RoCloud) for Leadership in Cloud Services in recognition of the strong dedication to promote IAAS.“We wish to thank to the Romanian Association for Computing Cloud (RoCloud) – the award received honors us and represent the recognition of the efforts and investment made in 2014. We offer “IT as a service” since the time when the Cloud concept was not known on the market in Romania, we understood from the beginning the importance of this delivery model, and we invested consistently in both the new services development, as well as in the market education. Meeting the needs of the customers at the highest level of quality and the alignment to the newest trends in technology and business models represents a priority for us and, in this sense, for 2015 we intend to continue to invest in diversifying the cloud services and solutions portfolio.” said Catalin Paunescu, Star Storage CEO.


Star Storage provide to customers StarVault Cloud, a complete portfolio of integrated services that are designed to provide for the end user a complete IT infrastructure as an alternative to the traditional procurement of the IT platform. StarVault Cloud Services integrates the scalability of the cloud model with guaranteed safety and performance of dedicated infrastructure, providing high flexibility. These include both services of dedicated servers, virtual servers, storage and data protection, as well as software solutions delivered directly from the cloud. In 2014, Star Storage has diversified its StarVault Cloud services portfolio by launching to the market new services dedicated to SMEs, but also to the community of developers. Services cover requirements of ensuring a fully scalable IT environment with dedicated resources, data protection and business continuity for small and medium companies, but also of developing any type of Java, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python and Node.js software.


If in 2013 we found that it cannot speak about a widespread use of cloud services on the market in Romania, because it was not well understood the cloud concept, at present our assessment is that this market has progressed greatly, although the visibility on associated projects and financial results remain relatively low. At this moment it is relevant the availability of the cloud service providers to meet the niche, custom and specialized requirements. Congratulations and thanks to all the winners for their efforts to promote cloud computing services.” said Razvan Iovan, the Romanian Association for Computing Cloud (RoCloud) President.


StarVault Cloud Services provides many key benefits to users, such as: resources scalabilitydata protectionguaranteed performance of the equipment;flexibility and cost model in proportion to resource consumption.


Star Storage Data Center located in Bucharest, from where StarVault Cloud services are provided, it is the only one in Romania certified for IT systems support and operation services, as well as for documents electronic archiving services. It follows the recommendations of the Uptime Institute and TIA 942-TIER 3, providing full redundancy in the power supply and air conditioning installations.


The guaranteed quality of StarVault services provides for users a minimum availability of 99,9%, their IT systems and data are protected by protective mechanisms at the level of physical and virtualized infrastructure.



About Star Storage S.A.

STAR STORAGE is a Romanian information technology services company with annual Gross Revenue of more than € 20 million, employing more than 400 people. Serving a large client base, it delivers storage, archiving and information management solutions in Romania and Republic of Moldova, having positioned itself as the Romanian industry leader.


The Company has more than 14 years of experience on the Romanian market and has succeeded to build an entire portfolio of solutions and services fulfilling the entire enterprise information lifecycle (from the moment of production up to the moment of storage, transformation, distribution or destruction) and playing a key role in the transformation process of organizations’ IT infrastructure into cloud-based architectures with improved control over the content. In addition to this portfolio, several outsourcing services – focused on content acquisition, enrichment, protection, recovery and content output – are provided to banks, non-banking financial institutions, public administrations, telecommunication operators and utility companies.


In addition to its national presence, the Company has started to expand its presence on the international level, primarily through strategic alliances with reputable international players.


Traditionally, Star Storage activity has been focused around large clients. However, the mid-market and SMB segments are now in the Company’s attention and part of the growth plan over the next 5-years.


For more information, visit www.star-storage.ro



About Romanian Association for Computing Cloud (RoCloud)

Romanian Cloud Computing Association (RoCloud) is a non-profit Romanian NGO, which was established in 2012 in order to promote Cloud-related knowledge on the Romanian market. Organization includes persons from various companies or institutions that are interested to learn and to support developments and projects in this area.


The objectives of the Romanian Association for Computing Cloud (RoCloud) are:

  • Access of a widest possible public from Romania to information about the cloud computing field;
  • Support and develop an favorable attitude to the suppliers and users, but also at Government level related to the cloud computing subject in Romania;
  • Assistance and support for Association members in order to develop their own initiatives, training and certification in the field of cloud computing related topics.


For more information, please visit www.rocloud.ro.

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