Being a part of others’ future

Friends for you

The project is a music therapy and parental counseling program. When someone is sick, they so much appreciate company, help and encouragement, or somebody to tell them, just by their attitude, that they are a friend in these difficult moments. One treasures these details even more when the disease extends over a longer period of time, exhausting them physically and emotionally, as it happens in the case of children and teenagers from the Oncopediatric section of the Fundeni Hospital.

About the campaign

For the years 2011 and 2012, Star Storage, together with the Association Noi Orizonturi - Familia, aim organizing activities for children, including clown shows, puppet theaters, birthday celebrations and gift sharing to patients. Moreover, among the objectives set, we could also mention support given to the socially disadvantaged patients and their families, by creating the Parents Club for counseling and organizing seminars for ill children's parents.

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Stop COVID-19! Work DIGITAL with ZERO risks

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