Using this model your company's employees can access directly from the Cloud the application software in question, thus eliminating all related acquisition costs of licences, IT infrastructure, hosting this infrastructure in a data center management services, maintenance and support. All applications are easy to access and are updated frequently and consistently and in addition benefit from training so that you get maximum efficiency in the shortest time possible.
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Cloud computing concept and technology became in last years part of business environment indifferently of company size and business. It allows you foscus better on your profit generating activities, rather on hardware and software tehnology related issues.Cloud computing model replaces succesfully traditional way of IT with a worldwide growing adoption rate. It brings highest level of technology process automation, difficult to achieve otherwise, but which allows you now to save time and money.
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The safest Data Center in Romania in terms of facilities redundancy, security and the level of support is at your disposal for hosting in exceptional conditions of IT equipment within your company.
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StarVault Colocation services provide the necessary hosting of your equipments in Star Storage Data Center, thus freeing up the cost and effort required in developing and administering a proper in-house space, which meet the specific requirements of electric power supply, air-conditioning and security.
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Star Storage Business Continuity Services allows you to reduce the risk of data loss, ensure business continuity, comply with the legal norms in force regarding data protection and possibility of data recovery in case of disaster data disaster in the shortest time possible.
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StarVault Cloud Backup Pro is a versatile backup application that allows customers to back up databases, applications and virtual machines to local and offsite destinations, e.g. local hard disk, on-premises backup appliance, and managed online backup server located in datacenter. With such flexibility, we are able to offer on-premises, online, or hybrid backup solutions for your customers based on their own requirements.
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StarVault VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) is a workstation virtualization service (desktops / laptops) by migrating operating system images, applications and data to a centralized, cloud-based platform.
The service is an alternative to local operating system workstations that improves data security and operating costs through standardization, data isolation and centralization of resources.
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You have full and exclusive access to the server, with all rights for the management of system and applications that are running on it according on your needs.
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Dedicated servers at your disposal 24/7 in high-performing Star Storage Data Center. Hosting and services are included in the monthly price.
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You have full and exclusive access to the server, with all rights for the management of system and applications that are running on it according on your needs.
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StarVault VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) is a workstation virtualization service (desktops / laptops) by migrating operating system images, applications and data to a centralized, cloud-based platform.
The service is an alternative to local operating system workstations that improves data security and operating costs through standardization, data isolation and centralization of resources.
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