Orchestrate the protection and recovery of your applications for simplified disaster recovery

Site Recovery by Azure

Helps you to protect important applications by coordinating the replication and recovery of physical or virtual machines. You can replicate to your own datacenter, to a hosting service provider, or even to Azure to avoid the expense and complexity of building and managing your own secondary location.

Simple, Automated Protection

protectionYour environment can be protected by automating the replication of the virtual machines based on policies that you set and control. Site Recovery coordinates and manages the ongoing replication of data by integrating with existing technologies such as Hyper-V Replica, System Center, and SQL Server AlwaysOn.

StarVault Site Recovery powered by Azure also integrates with SAN replication options from storage vendors such asHitachi, EMC, NetApp, HP and IBM to help further simplify and improve your disaster recovery protection.




Replication and recovery to Azure

replicationYou can further simplify your disaster recovery protection by replicating to Azure and still benefit from the simplicity, automation, customizable recovery plans, health monitoring, and orchestrated recovery the service provides. One of the primary roadblocks to comprehensive protection of applications is the expense of establishing and maintaining a secondary site for disaster recovery. Now Azure can be your disaster recovery site.



Continuous Health Monitoring



StarVault Site Recovery powerd by Azure monitors the state of your protected instances continuously and remotely from Azure. When replicating between two sites you control, your virtual machines’ data and replication remains on your networks. All communication with Azure is encrypted. When replicating to Azure as the secondary site, your data is encrypted and you can also select encryption for data at-rest.





Support & SLA

  • Free billing and subscription management support;
  • Flexible support plans;
  • Guaranteed 99.9% availability for each Protected Instance of Site Recovery Service.

StarVault Site Recovery by Azure can help you protect important services by coordinating the automated replication and recovery of protected instances at a secondary location. There are three primary deployment options.

  • Virtual machines running in an environment using Hyper-V can be replicated between two datacenters. Azure Site Recovery monitors the health of applications running in the primary site, stores the recovery plan, and executes it when needed. In the event of a site outage at the primary datacenter, VMs are recovered in an orchestrated fashion to help restore service quickly. This process can also be used for testing recovery, or temporarily transferring services.
  • You can replicate virtual machines from your primary site directly to Azure, instead of your own secondary site. In the event of an outage at the primary site, the service orchestrates the recovery of virtual machines in Azure.

StarVault Site Recovery powered by Azure is billed based on number of instances protected.


StarVault Site Recovery €11.92/month/ instance protected

Site Recovery by Azure is billed in units of the average daily number of instances you are protecting over a monthly period.


For example, if you consistently protected 20 instances for the first half of the month and none for the second half of the month, the average daily number of protected instances would be 10 for that month.

Do you need more information?

Send an e-mail at comanda@star-vault.ro or call now at +40744-4CLOUD (+40744-425683)!
A dedicated consultant is permanently available for you.
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