Star Storage obtains EMC’s recertification for the Star Documentum Connector for HCP product
Star Documentum Connector for HCP is a product that is internationally unique, offering the possibility to use two top technologies: the advanced long-term data storage system – Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) and the entire organization’s document and records management system – EMC Documentum. This recertification confirms Star Storage’s experience and skills in implementing EMC technology based solutions.
“Certification to the `EMC Certified’ level represents the maximum possible one and proves our ability to achieve global excellence. The product is currently used by customers both in Europe and other continents, and it is distinguished not only by the functionality offered, but also by the great installation ease and reduced maintenance needed. We continue to innovate in this direction and we will provide many benefits to our customers’ products and solutions.”, declared Rares Vasilescu, Information Management & Business Solutions Development Director, Star Storage.
Star Documentum Connector for HCP is one of the products and solutions selected by EMC in order to exemplify the “EMC Certified” level during the annual conference EMC Momentum Europe 2011, that will take place in Berlin, between October 31stand November 3rd 2011.
Star Storage is one of the partners selected at European level to present a solution that was developed last year during the EMC Momentum conference. “We are honored that this year we can publish, together with our beneficiaries, a case study entitled” Claims Processing Factory “.